Discovering your favorite activities website design

Unityhub is an online platform that connects you with a diverse range of activities and events tailored to your interests. Discover and join various virtual experiences, group activities, and professionally organized events. On Unityhub, you can also create and share your own activities.

Project overview


7 weeks

Group of 3

UX/UI designer

Figma, Photoshop, Zoom

Business Goals
  • Enable users to easily find and participate in their favorite activities based on location and interests through a user-friendly website.

  • Empower users to create and organize their own events.

  • Allow users to join or form groups to engage in similar activities, events or discussions.

Design Thinking


During the discovery phase, we aimed to understand the user needs. To achieve this, we employed two key research methods:

  1. Competitive Analysis

  2. Interview

We initiated our competitive analysis by studying various event-based websites to identify essential structures and features. This research guided us in developing our design with the necessary components and functionalities.

Competitive Analysis
Aspects We Analyzed:
  • The search bar functionality to understand how users locate specific events.

  • Category organization to see how events are grouped and presented.

  • Filter options to learn how users narrow down event choices.

  • The event booking process for a seamless user experience.


We interviewed 12 potential users to understand their pain points. Users emphasized the importance of having detailed event information, knowing the location, and identifying the host when deciding which events to join.

Some quotes mentioned by people in interviews:

" If there's a photo or video from the activity, I want to see it"

" Verified Host is important to me."

" I want to know if there're any specific items we need to bring with us for the activity."

" Transportation access should be clear"

" Knowing the cost of the events"

Key takeaways
  • Event Details and Organizers: Users require detailed information about events, including the identities of the organizers, which impacts their decisions.

  • Location and Dates: Users stressed the importance of clear information on the location and exact start and finish dates of activities.

  • Favorite Activities: Insights into users' favorite activities have been useful in refining our event categories.


We interviewed users and created Sara, our persona. Sara helps us see things from the users' perspective and ensures our solutions fit their needs.

For now that's it!
don't scroll

I'm still working


During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design. Together with the team, we prepared an interview script with 32 open-ended questions, focusing on our target audiences’ values, motivations, and daily routines. In 4 days, I recruited and interviewed 7 users remotely. We referenced the user interview findings throughout the entire design process.

  • What objectives influenced your questions?

  • How many users did you interview?

  • What were the main insights from the interviews?

  • How did you use your findings?

key Takeaways
  • something here

  • and here

  • Next

Site Map

During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design. Together with the team, we prepared an interview script with 32 open-ended questions, focusing on

User Flow

During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design. Together with the team, we prepared an interview script with 32 open-ended questions, focusing on


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worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building

Not just pleasant on the outside, our Pleasantview Gem Inn